equatorial akalat câu
Oh, it's like equatorial Africa on our side of the building.Ôi, giống như là Châu Phi xích đạo... ở kế bên tòa nhà vậy. Best Place to ...

equatorial band
A number of unanswered questions exist, including whether Earth was a full snowball, or a “slushball” with a thin equatorial band of op...

equatorial bulge
Because of the Earth’s equatorial bulge, the farthest point from the center of the planet is not Mount Everest, but the Chimborazo volc...

equatorial climate
An equatorial climate characterizes much of northern Brazil.Một khí hậu xích đạo đặc trưng của nhiều miền bắc Brazil. This equatorial ...

equatorial guinea
Equatorial Guinea là một nước nhỏ ở miền tây Châu Phi. Nơi tốt nhất để Buy Steroids Anabolic tại Equatorial Guinea Nơi để Mua Nitric Oxi...

equatorial orbit
It's only 3.9km/s from an equatorial orbit.Nó chỉ có quỹ đạo cách 9.030 km từ Orcus. Using 66 Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites it prov...

equatorial plane
“We’re located at the equatorial plane.“Chúng tôi đã tìm thấy máy bay Algeria. Voyagers 1 and 2 arrived to Jupiter in 1979–1980 and tr...

equatorial radius
The Earth's Polar radius is 3,949.99 miles, while its Equatorial radius is 3,963.34 miles.vùng cực của Trái đất là 3,949.99 dặm, trong ...

equatorial region
OK, so this is our movie of the equatorial region of Titan, showing these dunes.Đây là bộ phim của chúng tôi về vùng gần xích đạo Titan...

equatorial zone
The wide equatorial zone is visible in the centre surrounded by two dark equatorial belts (SEB and NEB).Vùng xích đạo rộng có thể được ...

circular equatorial orbit
A person in the cabin of a space shuttle in a circular equatorial orbit in the most intense region of the inner radiation belt, at an a...

earth's equatorial plane
In the “giant impact” model of the moon’s formation, the young moon began its orbit within Earth's equatorial plane.Trong mô hình "tác ...

equatorial coordinate system
Right ascension is the astronomical term for one of the two coordinates of a point on the celestial sphere when using the equatorial co...

flag of equatorial guinea
The National Flag of Equatorial Guinea was adopted on August 21, 1979.Cờ của Guinea Xích đạo được thông qua vào ngày 21 tháng 8 năm 197...

french equatorial africa
^ Naval Intelligence Division (1942), French Equatorial Africa and Cameroons, 258.^ Phòng tình báo hải quân (1942), Xích đạo châu Phi v...

north equatorial current
The North Equatorial Current is a significant Pacific and Atlantic Ocean current that flows east-to-west between about 10° north and 20...

republic of equatorial guinea
Equatorial Guinea officially the Republic of Equatorial Guinea is a country located in Central Africa, with an area of 28,000 square ki...

south equatorial current
For example, the South Equatorial Current in the Pacific Ocean moves only a mile an hour, so it would only speed up 0.05 mph in a decad...